Monday 5 December 2011

Medals and trophies

Here's Ben with his winnings from the annual Ju-jitsu competition held last weekend at the dojo that he practises.  The competition was between his school and another who had travelled from Wales and it's held as a fun event to raise money for Children in Need.  Alongside the many classes there's a raffle and loads of yummy homemade cakes on sale to help boost the charity pot.
Ben with his medals and trophies
Ben decided this year to enter four classes, competing with quite a few others in some of them.  He did a two move self-defence class, individual kata and bo kata plus a group weapons class with his mate. 

As any parent would be, I was mega proud of him.  He was so nervous in the run up to the big day and although he felt a bit jelly-fied on the morning he knew he'd practised lots at home and between classes and was bold enough to announce his self-defence moves and perform everything confidently.

The beam on his face each time his name was announced as a winner was fabulous.  He got a medal for taking part, a bronze medal for team weapons and bronze trophies for self-defence and individual kata.

What a star!

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