It was a warm day, so we started off in the wildlife park section but quickly broke away for a cuppa and ice-cream during our wanderings. The giant rabbits were gorgeous, so soft.
We had a go at trying to remember the Latin names for various animals (as always Ben's younger brain was better than mine). Here's a few, see if you can guess their English names (answers at the bottom!):
Lama glama
Equis caballus caballus
Babalus babalis

We watched a bird of prey show which featured this lovely Eurasian Eagle Owl with its fabulous 5 foot wing span. It really swooped but not quite a well as the buzzard which actually clipped people's heads as it flew!

After seeing a very greedy vulture, we watched this Harrier Hawk do it's think before having a spot of lunch.

Bananas in the butterfly tent - no we didn't pick any!

We spotted lots of chrysalis hanging from trees around the butterfly tent, but there were also two special cases with pupa ready for hatching (and some that had already hatched).

Delightful Tree Nymph ...

one of which gently landed on Ben's outstretched hand.

Naturally, lots of plants and stunning flowers for nectar, liked this Lantana.

This small butterfly was transparent.

Ponds with goldfish too, which Ben fed.

These are Bearded Dragons - a bit like small Iguanas I guess.

Another butterfly, just to prove we really saw some!!

Worker ants hard at it along a rope which hung over one of the ponds. Rather unfortunate for the ant if it missed it's footing, but rather nice for the fish and terrapins no doubt. The robe was pretty low in places; I wonder how many people knock into it on a daily basis and end up with big red ants in their hair!!

Finally, loved the pattern on this leaf.
Shetland Pony
Asian Water Buffalo
Curly Coated Pic
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