Usually all goes hunky-dory with the horse or pony eventually getting used to the various jumps and doing a relatively clear round during the lessons.

Sometimes it doesn't always go to plan as Katie found out last week when jumping Icy over a combination of three jumps (apparently called a "coffin" - fence, ditch, fence).
When taking this photo Katie managed to stay on, but I feel I've captured Icy perfectly skidding to a halt in sitting position. Unfortunately, the next time around he threw her completely resulting in a graze behind one leg and a fabulous lengthy bruise down one arm.

I hope Katie is ok! Your photo is great--though I think my heart would have skipped quite a few beats!
She is fine, thanks Elizabeth, and gets annoyed with me for fussing over her. Have to admit, the more horse jumping she does the more nail biting I do!
I hope it all goes well on Tuesday :o)
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