Kandar and Pepper, on the other hand, were experimenting with ways to keep cool.

Taking a dip in the canal system.

Trying hard to fit inside a cool bag.
Our way for keeping the sun off - build fabulous dens under the trees. This was Ben's idea this morning. He set too designing a den of his dreams, with measurements 'n all! Ben dug over the ground (hard work when we haven't had any decent rain for a long time), then we sourced suitable good sized branches from the pile left over from autumn, sawed them to size, "screwed" them into the ground, added a ridgepole branch to form the shell of the den.

Indoors we looked through bedding and stored away curtains, mats and pillows to finish off his outdoor home. Looks great, especially now he's added his bow and arrow and a union flag!

Katie had been busy making a hammock for the rats while we were doing this. She'd also given them a bath and completely cleaned out their cage so it's a little more sweet smelling.

Having seen Ben's den she also wanted one (naturally). More hazel branches, curtains etc. later and a lovely roomy den hidden between the hazel trees for Katie.

The cats approved. Pepper and Kandar both found toilet spots directly next to the dens and then both settled inside for an afternoon nap!
I like my den loads. thanks fr the help, mum :D
Love those dens :D Thanks for popping by my blog and by all means f/b me. I don't do much there - jsut 'keep in touch' with folk who use it more than I do ;)
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