We did this this afternoon. The temperatures have been soaring here this week and today, after mucking out and riding first thing, the sun seemed to hit new heights - it was very hot. Kids did a bit of maths while I packed a quick picnic, we grabbed the bikes and headed off to relax for a couple of hours.

The stream is lovely to look at, shallow with a gentle movement. When you start to paddle you discover the mud is extremely thick and sticky. We already knew this - Katie fell over in it before! Ben did some paddling and then went to his own little hideout under the bridge. Katie and I sank into the grass bank, read, drew, took photos and chit-chatted about lots; we could hear Ben in his own make-believe world a stones throw away. Perfect.

your photos make me want to get over there right now! castle acre is one of my favourite castles since you can see how they developed alongside the village and priory. we hope to be back there sometime in august!
awww love that last asleep in a book photo, can i come and join in again - blinkin wish i had a teleporter like Star Trek ;-)
Grit - thanks for dropping by - loved your blog btw.
Dawny - wouldn't it be lovely if blog mates could all meet up! Teleporting sounds good.
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