Sunday 23 November 2014

Uni visits take over!

We have been doing the University visits thing with Katie - it's all very exciting but incredibly draining too.  Wanting initially to take a degree in Game Art, but also showing an interest in Illustration and Graphic Design, our first two uni visits saw us taking part in lectures that covered all these subjects.  At the end of our second uni visit it became clear that Illustration and Graphic Design would be the path she'd prefer.  Although Katie absolutely loves concept art, the Game Art courses involve far more than just that - by doing Illustration she could certainly put her new skills to use at a later date with concept art if she wished.

It may sound obvious, but each uni visit has been a totally different experience, and because of that, the time spent has been well worth it.  There are still a couple more that she'd like to see, but time is no longer on our side (unis seem to all have the same open days), so they'll have to wait until June next year.  Out of the ones we've visited, there seems to be a clear winner so fingers crossed that's the one she'll end up at.  It had a vibrant atmosphere and 100% genuine "warts 'n all" attitude from the course tutor that took the lecture, and the studios were absolutely amazing.  Certainly and inspiring place to study, that's for sure.

Her college work this year is very demanding and it's beginning to take its toll as Katie's often up working until the early hours, even though she's put in a many hours of work during the day.  Trying to find time to complete other necessary things to enable her to even apply to uni is proving difficult.  She needs an impressive portfolio, not just of college work, but her own sketch books too as well as any other bits of work she may have done for others, plus of course the dreaded personal statement.  The stress levels just seem to snowball but it'll all calm down at some point.  I'll look back on this next year and say, "yeah, we got through it"!

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