Thought Katie's six horse heads made a brilliant collage.
We've also been doing art at home. Having missed the group's session all about Arthur Rackham, especially his spooky trees with faces, we had a browse through the internet and found some lovely pieces produced by him. Katie and I had a go at our own spooky trees:

Katie's eerie tree seems to have a startled, worried face.

Mine doesn't appear spooky at all!
Then, using the Usborne's Art Treasury book from the library (some wonderful ideas in there), we decided to have a go at using inks to paint a pretty Chinese cat in the style of Shen Quan.

Love the fluffy tail on Katie's cat.

There's some lovely artwork here. I especially like the flower collage. Viv x
Thanks Viv. Katie worked really hard on it - it is lovely isn't it.
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