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Katie had asked to cook a three course meal for us on Thursday last week and being the terrible HE mother that I am I had to put her off until Sunday as we were out late for most of the other days and knew she'd need more than 1/2 hour to prepare her feast. Luckily her request to cook hadn't dwindled by the time Sunday came around. She started by making bread rolls from about lunch time, and then the afternoon was taken up with checking on these as well as preparing the soup and dessert and finally the main course. It all got cooked to plan with the soup and rolls ready for a 6 o'clock sit down, and all with just the tiniest bit of help from me.
So, we had a banquet of vegetable and rice soup with home backed white rolls. Pasta with mixed roast vegetables tossed in a dressing of balsamic vinegar, honey and oil. Yummy Italian tiramisu for dessert.
Our tums were full to bursting and it was absolutely delicious.

Although we kept talking of remembering to take photos, naturally eating was what was on our minds at dishing up time and therefore the camera was quickly forgotten. Perhaps next time - hopefully there will be a next time!
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Monday's weather saw shining sun in between the heavy outbursts of rain. The conservatory soon heats up and the cats love it! Here's Pepper, Allie and visiting cat Kandar in their own little spots soaking up the warmth.

hiya , love the pics :-)
The rainbow pic is amazing!
Thank you ladies.
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